
Showing posts with the label Genealogists

Were your ancestors in one of our homes?

We are excited to announce we have a brand new  search engine on our Together Trust website to help people see if their ancestors were ever in one of our Manchester homes . New search facility

Digitising at York

We had a little trip to York last week. Lovely though the city is however, our adventure did not take in the sights of the Cathedral, a trip through the Yorvik Centre or a walk around the city walls. Instead it took us to York University, and more specifically to the Borthwick Archives , in order to deposit a number of our precious books. One of the History Books ready for digitisation

Off to find the South African spiny cucumber

Between the years 2003 – 2010 the Together Trust ran a successful adoption service alongside its fostering work.  Together Trust Adoption Leaflet

Accountability, culture and ethics

I spent some time this morning filling out a bursary form for the Archives and Records Association (ARA) annual conference in Cardiff in August. The ARA is the official professional body for archivists, archive conservators and records managers and aims to provide guidance and training to its members as well as promote the interests of the profession at local and central government. For the lone archivist in particular, it is a useful resource of information and allows for discussion with other professionals. Being accountable for not attending school The theme of this year’s conference focuses on ‘ Accountability, Culture and Ethics ’. This will be exploring how records and archives play a key role in holding organisations to account and providing justice, while also acting as an important educational and cultural resource. It got me to thinking about our own collection and how our records and archives are so crucial for the charity’s own accountability.

Where does the time go?

I realised today that Sunday is a special day - our very own archive blog will be one year old! Twelve whole months have gone by where every week (well... almost!) we have been bringing you the stories, facts and photographs of the Together Trust’s glorious history . The blog has allowed us to bring some of our treasures to a much larger audience and taught us a few things on the way.