
Showing posts with the label Sanatorium

Uses of the Sanatorium

When the Together Trust moved to Cheadle in 1920, it took over a site, which formally belonged to the Milne family. The purchase of the estate, which cost £5,700 (around £125,000 in today's money), included 22.5 acres of land and Belmont House along with an assortment of farm buildings. Originally, the estate was supposed to consist of ten homes but in the end only four were built. Along with Belmont House these housed 120 children. By 1927 a Sanatorium was also built in order to cater for the children if they got sick. A rummage in the archive the other week revealed some statistics for the Sanatorium in its early days.  Sanatorium

Digging for victory

Building work on the Together Trust site is ongoing as the charity extends its Inscape service in Cheadle. Amongst the diggers and the builders, as the final bits of work are completed, history occasionally comes to light. Foundation walls of the Sanatorium