
Showing posts with the label Digital preservation

Introducing our new online resources

With a milestone in the history of the Together Trust and the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic coinciding in 2020, plans to celebrate our 150th anniversary suffered many setbacks. Whilst we were able to move some of our events online, others have been postponed indefinitely.

We're the famous Together Trust, and we went to Wembley

The Archives and Records Association (ARA) Conference is over for another year but as always it created plenty of opportunity for debate and learning. For a charity archivist it was a bit like being the proverbial ‘small fish in a big pond’ as professionals gathered from all sectors, ready to convey new techniques, technologies and ideas to the world of archives. For this small fish it meant an opportunity to discover and rethink methods of how to preserve, make access to and promote our own small collection.  Wembley Stadium