
Showing posts with the label Archivist

Young Roots: Getting to know our new orphans

As promised, this week’s blog will be concentrating on our young roots project ‘Deep Pockets and Dirty Faces’ , bringing our readers up to date with some of the work that has been completed so far. The project is based around the history of the Together Trust, concentrating particularly on the charity’s Victorian roots. Young people receiving services from the Together Trust today have been learning about these children from the late nineteenth and early twentieth century’s, with the aim of bringing their stories to life.  One of the orphans stories to be researched

Accountability, culture and ethics

I spent some time this morning filling out a bursary form for the Archives and Records Association (ARA) annual conference in Cardiff in August. The ARA is the official professional body for archivists, archive conservators and records managers and aims to provide guidance and training to its members as well as promote the interests of the profession at local and central government. For the lone archivist in particular, it is a useful resource of information and allows for discussion with other professionals. Being accountable for not attending school The theme of this year’s conference focuses on ‘ Accountability, Culture and Ethics ’. This will be exploring how records and archives play a key role in holding organisations to account and providing justice, while also acting as an important educational and cultural resource. It got me to thinking about our own collection and how our records and archives are so crucial for the charity’s own accountability.