
Showing posts with the label Advertising

Christmas donations 1895

Once again, we find ourselves near the end of another year. It has been a busy one in the archive department with World War One commemorations and research for our forthcoming book. We’ve also been preparing for a busy year in 2019, as arrangements for our 150th anniversary goes full steam ahead. We’re excited to be celebrating this momentous occasion and share our fabulous story far and wide.  Santa at an annual bazaar

The Children’s Haven

The Together Trust has a a series of books in its archive designed to promote the workings of the charity to the Manchester and Salford community. Originally seen in a section of a magazine written by the charity as an offshoot to its committee's Christian missionary interests, known as The Christian Worker, it expanded into a magazine wholly dedicated to the charity from 1895 when it became  The Children’s Haven.  The latter aimed to disseminate news of the charity, encourage donations and advertise events and meetings to the public.  Children’s page from The Christian Worker

Around Manchester today

We’ve mentioned before in this blog about the lack of buildings which now remain in the city centre relating to the Manchester and Salford Boys’ and Girl’s Refuges and Homes. As we stated last week the charity by the 1900’s had homes spread across Manchester and Salford with thousands of children using our services every year. In 1900 the charity was well and truly established within the community. Today however, very little remains to advertise this.  Ol d advertising leaflet on display in Manchester A chance visit to a watering hole in Manchester however, revealed photographs of the charity are still displayed around the city. The image above was in pride of place on a wall surrounded by other iconic pictures of Manchester. As it was originally an advert for the Summer Camp it is freely in the public domain. The people who spotted and decided to display this image in the pub may not know the context of the image but it is comforting to know that not all traces of the cha...

Picture of you

When a family history request is made there are often a number of documents that have been kept within a case file which can be provided to researchers. Material such as application forms, visitor reports and indenture forms have been mentioned on this blog before. What are not included in these files however, often to the dismay of the genealogist, are individual images of the children. Leap frog in the garden