
Showing posts with the label Remembrance

Children of war: juvenile crime during World War One

We have often considered the impact of the First World War on the Manchester and Salford Refuges on this blog with solemn remembrances of the care leavers and staff who died, celebrations of their bravery, and the economic effects on the day-to-day running of the charity. Yet the war affected the charity in other ways, as it led to higher numbers of admissions to the charity's residential homes.

The Buglers

Last year the Together Trust held a ceremony to commemorate 100 years since the end of World War I. The occasion was marked with the unveiling of a bronze plaque, engraved with the names of those who had fallen whilst serving for their country. All these names were men who had either worked for the charity, or lived in one of its homes when it resided in Manchester. Commemorative plaque, 2018

Remembrance Day

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. -  For the Fallen by Laurence Binyon   One of our 400 poppies

Everyone Remembered

On Monday 3rd November young people from the Together Trust’s education services all came together to lay poppies in memory of the 400 men associated with the charity, who had fought in World War One.  Part of the poppy display at Together Trust Centre, Cheadle