
Showing posts with the label Whitsuntide

Whitsuntide festivities

Earlier in the month we looked at how some of the young people from the Manchester and Salford Refuges celebrated May Day . Though the charity itself did not formally observe this day, another May holiday that the charity celebrated with great enthusiasm falls this Sunday 31 st – Whitsun .

Jumping on the Titantic bandwagon

With this weekend heralding 100 years since the catastrophic sinking of the RMS Titanic , my mind wandered towards the 2,129 of our children who made the similar long journey across the ocean to start a better lift elsewhere. Like many on board the Titanic, the journey was seen as a means to improve circumstances and leave behind the crowded smoky cities of England to the spacious lands of Canada and America. In the open fields of Canada c.1900 (PH/5/4)